What is the Long-term plan?

    The Long-term Plan sets out the Council's vision for the community and its strategy and plans for 10 years, along with the budgets needed to deliver them.  It also includes a longer 30-year plan for how infrastructure will be managed and maintained.
    The Long-term Plan is a legally required and audited document, which must be published by Councils every three years. In between, Council must provide an Annual Plan that outlines where there are delivery or budget variances to the Long-term Plan. 

    Council is currently delivering the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan, which can be found here, and development of the 2024-2034 Long-term Plan has commenced. 

    What is a Councillor workshop?

    Councillor-only workshops are opportunities for Councillors and Mana Whenua representatives to receive updates, discuss ideas and provide direction to staff on what issues they would like to make decisions on in Council and committee meetings. 

    Council is aiming to livestream as many of the LTP Councillor workshops as possible so that you can see how their thinking is developing.  

    These workshops are not open for public participation, although the Councillors may request specific guests to present to them as part of the process.  

    I can't watch the livestream, am I able to watch the workshops in person?

    Yes, you can observe the workshops in person.  All workshops are held in the Council Chamber unless otherwise advised. Please come to the Civic Administration Building at 101 Esk St and let the customer service staff know you would like to observe the workshop. 

    How can I feedback on the issues Councillors are talking about in workshops?

    Share your feedback with us here on this page or email policy@icc.govt.nz.

    We will have engagement events later in the year when you can meet with Councillors and share your ideas. 

    When will consultation take place?

    Consultation will take place between March and April 2024.  The exact dates for the consultation have not yet been set. 

    What is happening with Project 1225 and the other Roadmap to Renewal projects? Will these be in the new Long-term Plan?

    You can find regular updates about the museum redevelopment Project 1225 here.

    Regular updates on delivery of all Roadmap to Renewal projects are available quarterly here

    Council has paused a number of projects while they consider the scope and delivery timeframes as part of the Long-term Plan.  Changes to Roadmap to Renewal projects will be included within the Long-term Plan proposals. 

    What is Council doing on climate change as part of the Long-term Plan?

    You can find information on climate change, including information about specific projects and ways Council is working to reduce its carbon impact here.

    Council is part of a new regional committee on climate change led by Environment Southland and Te Ao Mārama. The work of this committee will help to set the strategic direction on climate change for the region and Council will work to align our Long-term Plan with this direction. 

    For more information about the regional climate change work contact Anke Habgood at Environment Southland.

    My organisation has a project we would like Council to fund. Should I submit to the Long-term Plan?

    If you have a project you believe has benefit to the community please consider applying to the Community Wellbeing Fund. You can find more information about how to do this here