What is the Bluff Hill Motupōhue Active Recreation Precinct?

    Invercargill City Council is working closely with the Southland Mountain Bike Club, project manager Logic Group Ltd, and mountain bike trail construction company Dirt Dynamics to create an adventure park for mountain bike users and walkers.

    Designed by Southern Land Development, there will be 1643m of walking trails, 4467m of Grade 2, multi-use trails, and 4465m of Grade 4 descending tracks, including 120m of Grade 5 tracks.

    There will also be a car park area (designed by Design Base Architecture [DBA] and The Engineering Company Ltd, ENGCO) at the base of the hill, which includes toilets.

    Part of the work involves upgrades to pre-existing walking trails, as well as the construction of brand-new ones.

    Can it be used for casual use?

    Yes, the walking trails range from shorter to longer walks, and the mountain bike trails can be used by beginners (Grade 2) to very experienced (Grade 4 and 5). The design is a “hub and spoke” design so you can vary rides by time and skill level.

    Is it all-inclusive?

    There will be opportunities for multi-use trails, so all different types of users and different abilities can walk, bike, have a dog on a lead, push a pram, and can also be used by people with disabilities on the easy graded tracks.

    Two disabled car parks have been allocated, with an accessible path leading to the trail start. The toilet also ensures disabled people can use this as well.

    Signage, when developed, will aim to incorporate various visitors and showcase the cultural, environmental, and recreational assets Bluff has to offer.

    When is work starting?

    Draft concept designs have been completed and public consultation has taken place. Groundbreaking will take place in October.

    When will it be finished?

    The construction of the trails, car park and toilet installation is anticipated to be completed by July 2024.

    How much money is being put into it?

    Along with $546,700 from the Long-term Plan, the project has been given a funding boost of $981,380 from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for upgrades and developments.

    Will there be toilets?

    Yes, there will be a toilet block in the carpark area with two gender-neutral toilets and one accessible toilet available.


    Will there be showers?

    There is no provision for showers currently.

    Will there be wash-down areas for bikes?

    Yes, there will be a wash down area for bikes.

    Will there be CCTV in the area?

    Camera monitoring is included in the project scope. Lighting is also being considered to help with safety and security methods of this space, while also ensuring Dark Skies are being looked after as well.

    Will mana whenua be involved?

    Yes, mana whenua have been involved throughout the process.

    Motupōhue holds a special place in the history of Māori and has been recognised under the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 as a site with statutory acknowledgment. The Act acknowledges Ngāi Tahu’s cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association to Motupōhue (Bluff Hill).

    Manawhenua have been involved from the beginning. Council and its partners are excited to work with them on a project to benefit the Bluff community.

    Will there be drinking fountains?

    Yes, a drinking fountain is included in the project scope.

    Will freedom camping be allowed in the carpark?

    Freedom camping will be managed in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 requirements, as well as Invercargill City Council policies or bylaws as they are developed. There is currently an Environmental Reserves Omnibus Management Plan 2021, which was developed as per the Reserves Act 1977 requirements and this includes a policy on camping, which Council implements as required.

    Can the trails be used for mountain biking competitions?

    Yes, the precinct is expected to draw riders from all over Aotearoa for a variety of events.

    What about the trees, plants and wildlife on Motupōhue?

    Council will be working with local community groups to ensure vegetation and wildlife continues to thrive.

    How will you provide a skills track at this location?

    The funding agreement provided by the Ministry of Business and Employment did not include the skills track however we still see this as a priority and are looking at other national funding streams.

    What’s next?

    Bluff Community Board and Council have updated with a summary of feedback. Those who have signed up to the Let’s Talk newsletter will also receive updates and Council social media pages will be updated as the project progresses.

    The final trail and car park designs are being tweaked to ensure they are correct, and tenders will be going out mid September – mid October to seek a company to construct and install the car park and toilets.

    By October, we will be ready to begin trail construction and the car park and toilet will be soon after that.