Suggest a Road Name

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Do you think you have a fantastic name for a future road in Invercargill? The Invercargill City Council is interested to hear your suggestions as we begin to compile a road naming resource. We are looking to create two lists – the Pre-approved Road Names List and the Road Names Suggestions List. These lists will help developers choose street names which appropriately reflect the Invercargill community.

Pre-approved Road Names List

This list will include all of the road names which have gone through the review process and formally been approved by Council for use. Suggestions for this list can be made below on the Suggest a Road Name - Pre-approved List link and require the appropriate permissions as part of the submission. Road names on this list are more likely to be used than those from the suggestions list.

Road Name Suggestions List

If you have a great idea you would like to include, but have not been able to do the research or gain permissions, you can still do this. The Float an idea for a Road Name link below offers the chance to make a quick suggestion, which may be picked up by someone else or a developer to complete the necessary work before this is submitted to Council.

Do you think you have a fantastic name for a future road in Invercargill? The Invercargill City Council is interested to hear your suggestions as we begin to compile a road naming resource. We are looking to create two lists – the Pre-approved Road Names List and the Road Names Suggestions List. These lists will help developers choose street names which appropriately reflect the Invercargill community.

Pre-approved Road Names List

This list will include all of the road names which have gone through the review process and formally been approved by Council for use. Suggestions for this list can be made below on the Suggest a Road Name - Pre-approved List link and require the appropriate permissions as part of the submission. Road names on this list are more likely to be used than those from the suggestions list.

Road Name Suggestions List

If you have a great idea you would like to include, but have not been able to do the research or gain permissions, you can still do this. The Float an idea for a Road Name link below offers the chance to make a quick suggestion, which may be picked up by someone else or a developer to complete the necessary work before this is submitted to Council.

  • The Invercargill City Council has a Road Naming Policy that seeks to preserve the cultural, history and geography of our district. The policy allows for members of the community to suggest a road name, that if it meets the selection criteria and is approved for use, can sit on a list of pre-approved names that can use used in the future. Please fill out the attached questionnaire to suggest a road name to Council.  

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Page last updated: 03 Jul 2022, 12:00 PM