Have we got our new Donovan Park Reserve Management Plan Right?

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Consultation has concluded

30 Year Vision for Donovan Park

Council is consulting on the Draft Donovan Park Reserve Management Plan, which is a legally required document to set out how we will manage the reserve

Donovan Park is an important green link in the city’s parks systems. Covering over 79 hectares of green open space with land, the reserve contributes significantly to the open green space of Invercargill with its unique rural characteristics and Council has recently been working with the community to create a vision for the Reserve.

After the Masterplan process was completed, Council asked the community to use it as their guiding document to tell us what their priorities were for the next 10 years, to inform our new Reserve Management Plan. All the feedback Council received, along with the themes identified in the Masterplan have fed into our draft Donovan Park Management Plan

Key Projects

This management plan is a review of the 2012 Donovan Park Reserve Management Plan. It aims to show the first ten years of detail based on the masterplan and each subsequent review will incorporate future priorities. A draft implementation plan has been developed to support the execution and administration of the Reserve Management Plan.

Key Project Themes that will be delivered through the implementation plan and detailed within the ten-year Reserve Management Plan include:

Celebrating Unique Natural Character

  • Continuing the urban-rural integration and transition.
  • Enhancing and improving water and nature features to add more amenity and better support biodiversity outcomes, while managing storm water control.
  • Providing green tree lined routes within the reserve to encourage active transport.

Promoting an Open Space Network

  • Removing fences to open up more access for all.
  • Focus on improving accessibility through the reserve.
  • Enhancing connections to residential/urban areas.
  • Provide additional facilities to encourage more uses for people to stay longer.
  • Develop active transport connections within the reserve.

Rationalising Land Use

  • Clearly outlining the different uses of the reserve through an organised framework.
  • This will ensure the reserve has long term sustainable uses.
  • Activating more of the land for public access.
  • Providing quality spaces for multi-use activities and events.
  • Continuing a family friendly/whānau centric place for visitors.

Possible revocation of part of Donovan Park

Following community engagement, the Future Development section of the draft Reserve Management Plan has incorporated three options for consideration to inform next steps, in line with legislative requirements for Reserve Management Plans (Reserves Act 1977).

Have your say

Council invites you to have your say on the draft implementation plan and draft Reserve Management Plan.

Let us know what you think before submissions close on Friday 14 February

Council is consulting on the Draft Donovan Park Reserve Management Plan, which is a legally required document to set out how we will manage the reserve

Donovan Park is an important green link in the city’s parks systems. Covering over 79 hectares of green open space with land, the reserve contributes significantly to the open green space of Invercargill with its unique rural characteristics and Council has recently been working with the community to create a vision for the Reserve.

After the Masterplan process was completed, Council asked the community to use it as their guiding document to tell us what their priorities were for the next 10 years, to inform our new Reserve Management Plan. All the feedback Council received, along with the themes identified in the Masterplan have fed into our draft Donovan Park Management Plan

Key Projects

This management plan is a review of the 2012 Donovan Park Reserve Management Plan. It aims to show the first ten years of detail based on the masterplan and each subsequent review will incorporate future priorities. A draft implementation plan has been developed to support the execution and administration of the Reserve Management Plan.

Key Project Themes that will be delivered through the implementation plan and detailed within the ten-year Reserve Management Plan include:

Celebrating Unique Natural Character

  • Continuing the urban-rural integration and transition.
  • Enhancing and improving water and nature features to add more amenity and better support biodiversity outcomes, while managing storm water control.
  • Providing green tree lined routes within the reserve to encourage active transport.

Promoting an Open Space Network

  • Removing fences to open up more access for all.
  • Focus on improving accessibility through the reserve.
  • Enhancing connections to residential/urban areas.
  • Provide additional facilities to encourage more uses for people to stay longer.
  • Develop active transport connections within the reserve.

Rationalising Land Use

  • Clearly outlining the different uses of the reserve through an organised framework.
  • This will ensure the reserve has long term sustainable uses.
  • Activating more of the land for public access.
  • Providing quality spaces for multi-use activities and events.
  • Continuing a family friendly/whānau centric place for visitors.

Possible revocation of part of Donovan Park

Following community engagement, the Future Development section of the draft Reserve Management Plan has incorporated three options for consideration to inform next steps, in line with legislative requirements for Reserve Management Plans (Reserves Act 1977).

Have your say

Council invites you to have your say on the draft implementation plan and draft Reserve Management Plan.

Let us know what you think before submissions close on Friday 14 February

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Stage Two Consultation – Draft Reserve Management Plan

    Council is inviting you, pursuant to Section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977, to lodge a written submission on this draft Reserve Management Plan and draft Implementation Plan. This information will be considered by Elected Members in compliance with section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977.

    Please note that submissions, including names, will be included in papers which are available to the public.

    If you have indicated that you wish to be heard, you will be contacted to arrange time to speak to a panel of elected members.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Stage One Consultation – Inviting Written Submissions

    Council has endorsed the consultation of the draft Donovan Park Masterplan which enables seeking feedback on the Masterplan during stage one of the public engagement for the review of the Donovan Park Management Plan.

    Council is inviting you, pursuant to Section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977, to have your say on what your top priorities are for the next ten years, with the option of using the Masterplan as a guideline. As part of this process, Council is also inviting you to provide feedback on the Masterplan and the draft implementation plan. 

    Your comments and suggestions will be taken into consideration when draft of the Donovan Park Management Plan is prepared. 

    Submissions are due by 5.00pm Wednesday 4 September 2024.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    At a Community Wellbeing Committee held on 23 January 2024, Four developing themes were endorsed to be consulted on alongside the Long Term Plan:

    1. Connections and access.
    2. Ecology and natural spaces – water quality/interaction.
    3. Tourism, destination and visitor experience.
    4. Active Recreation. 

    Council is now requesting feedback for these themes, as well as any input in relation to housing proposed through Long Term PLan Consultation which may affect Donovan Park.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Early Engagement Survey has closed. 

    Consultation has concluded
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