Why do we need a Reserve Management Plan?

    Reserve Management Plans are legislatively required under the Reserves Act 1977.

    The plan is a high-level document that outline the 10 year plan for the domain.   

    The plan is also supported by an Implementation Plan, which is a working document outlining key project reserve management areas.

    Why do we need a Management Plan, when we already have a Masterplan?

    A Masterplan provides a strategic long term vision for the space and whilst not legislatively required, is considered best practice.


    The Reserve Management Plan is legislatively required to enable the administering body (ICC) to establish the desired mix of uses and values for the Domain and sets in place policies to guide day to day management. 

    What does the Reserve Management Plan process look like?

    What has changed from the 2013 Management Plan?

    We have listened to the community’s feedback and our draft Management Plan looks different to the Management Plan 2013 for several reasons:

    • Vision, Objectives, Values and Guiding Principles for the Domain have been developed in line with the Masterplan.
    • General Policies Reserve Management Pan 2023 now addresses general policies that apply to Sandy Point Domain, whereas specific developments and activities to Sandy Point Domain remain in the draft Plan.
    • A policy has been incorporated to address residents within the Domain following previous discussion at Council.
    • Commercial activities and where these activities can operate within the Domain have been included.
    • Commercial forestry information will be addressed via the Forestry Management Plan when developed.

    Mana whenua input has been incorporated through the inclusion of Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku’s landscape methodology, named Āpiti Hono Tātai Hono in recognition of the act of ordering whakapapa. 


    The document is shorter than the previous version due to removing policies that are best addressed by other Council documents, and also by replacing appendices with links to relevant documents. 

    When do you refer to a General Policies Reserve Management Plan and when do you refer to the Sandy Point Domain Reserve Management Plan?

    General Policies apply by setting objectives and policies common to all reserves including Sandy Point Domain, and Sandy Point Domain Reserve Management Plan sets objectives and policies that relate specifically to the reserve.

    What are the key themes that have been incorporated from the Masterplan into the Reserve Management Plan, and how will they be implemented?

    Enhance Recreation

    • Commencement of consolidation of “like” activities and clubs
    • Initial development of sport/recreation hub facilities
    • Development of a multi recreational use area, including a park for dog walking, disc golf and informal walking areas within the former golf course location.

    Promote Unique Visitor Experience

    • Develop Eco-sanctuary area at the southern end of Sandy Point, Eco-adventure area adjacent to Fosbender Park at the northern end of the Domain
    • Implementation of improved signage, wayfinding and interpretation displaying the Domain’s history

    Build Environmental Resilience

    • Replant and replace slash, broom and forestry areas at southern end of Sandy Point with suitable indigenous shrub and forest species
    • Consolidate coverage of commercial forestry at the southern end of Sandy Point
    • Enhance existing wetland edges with suitable indigenous shrub and riparian plantings

    How has cultural history been addressed in this plan?

    Council is aware that there is significant cultural history associated with the domain. We have worked closely with Mana Whenua to ensure that the whakapapa of the area is reflected. 


    Mana whenua input has been more fully incorporated through the inclusion of Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku’s landscape methodology, named Āpiti Hono Tātai Hono in recognition of the act of ordering whakapapa. 

    What is the Implementation Plan and is it set in stone?

    Alongside the draft Reserve Management Plan, an implementation plan has been drafted to support execution and administration over the next 10 years. 

    The Implementation Plan is a working document and the detail will enable development within the Reserve Management Plan to occur.

    Projects outlined in the Implementation Plan are currently unbudgeted and provision will need to be made for these projects in future Long-Term and Annual planning processes. 

    Why is there a noise management plan in place for Sandy Point Domain?

    Sandy Point Domain is uniquely situated between Ōreti Beach and River, boasts an array of natural wildlife, flora and fauna and is adjacent to residential suburbs. 

    The Domain is also the home of a large motorsport fraternity. Due to the proximity of the Domain’s boundaries to the residential boundaries within ICC’s Operational District Plan 2019, there must be a plan in place to support the needs of those who reside close by and those partaking in the sport, as well as the needs of the local wildlife.  

    What are Biosolids and will the Reserve Management Plan include Biosolids Discharge at Sandy Point Domain?

    Biosolids are an organic matter recovered from sewerage treatment process and used as a fertiliser.

    Biosolids is being applied south of the Christies Track Area of the Domain. The application site (42ha in area) is subject to a resource consent application to Environment Southland. It includes three biosolids applications over a ten-year period, with each application taking two to three weeks. Applications are undertaken by the Clifton Wastewater Treatment Plant. The resource consent has 25 years left on it and was consulted on during the 2012 Management Plan development.

    Earlier in this process I heard there may be plans to close Sandy Point Road, is this true?

    Council has learned, though LiDAR and NIWA climate change modelling, that Sandy Point Road and nearby facilities and infrastructure will be affected by water levels increasing. Therefore the need to invest in roading further away is apparent. The intention would be to re-purpose the existing road while clubs consolidate into other buildings and hubs to ensure their viability and sustainability continues. If the decision is made to close the road to vehicles beginning at the Christies Road/Sandy Point Road intersection, access south of the intersection will be retained for emergency services and there will be provision for ad hoc vehicle access via prior arrangement. Pedestrian access (walking and bikes) would still be allowed. A local example of a road with similar restrictions is Coronation Avenue in Queens Park.

    How will the Ōreti River be managed through this plan?

    The Ōreti River is managed by Environment Southland (ES). However, ICC is and will continue to collaborate with Environment Southland to ensure future needs are met and make sure user concerns are passed on to be considered by both ICC and ES and managed accordingly.

    What does a hub mean?

    In this context, a Hub places 'like' activities spatially, but safely, near each other. It may be that clubs share facilities or spaces.

    Who is going to pay for shifting clubs?

    A financial model will need to be developed as part of this process. Council ensured that Local Funders were included in the Masterplan process and are aware of potential financial implications ahead. We are happy to discuss the impact of this plan with your club directly.

    How can I provide feedback?

    Written submissions can be made via the link at the bottom of this page by 5.00pm on Friday 31 January 2025.

    Alternatively, you can pick up a submission form and drop one off at

    • Te Hīnaki Civic Building at 101 Esk St
    • Invercargill Public Library
    • Queens Park Office

    You can also email the Parks and Recreation Team at parks.recreation@icc.govt.nz (External link).

    I have already submitted about Sandy Point, do I need to submit again?

    Council has held two previous phases of consultation about Sandy Point Domain, an ideas gathering phase, and a phase focusing on the draft masterplan. Thank you to everyone who has already participated. As we enter the final phase, it is important we receive feedback on our draft Reserve Management Plan, and Implementation Plan to find out if we have got it right.

    When Councillors are involved in hearings and deliberations at the end of consultation, they will not review submissions from the earlier phases.